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三年级下册英语试题-Module 8单元检测1|外研社(三起)(含答案)

  • 资源类别 试题
    资源子类 单元测试
  • 教材版本 外研版
    所属学科 小学英语
  • 适用年级 三年级
    适用地区 全国通用
  • 文件大小 718 K
    上传用户 goldfisher
  • 更新时间 2019/2/12 15:20:43
    下载统计 今日0 总计9
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Module 8 单元检测
二、给下列短语选择正确的译文,并将其序号 填在题前括号中
(    ) 1. in autumn                 A. 放风筝
(    ) 2. at seven o’clock         B. 打篮球
(    ) 3. go to school              C. 在秋天
(    ) 4. play basketball               D. 骑自行车
(    ) 5. fly kites                 E. 去游泳
(    ) 6. go swimming               F. 看电视
(    ) 7. ride bikes                    C. 打乒乓球
(    ) 8. watch TV                  H. 去上学
(    ) 9. play table tennis        I. 在春天
(    ) 10. in spring                    J. 在七点钟
1. We ________ in spring.
2. We ________ in summer.
3. We ________ in autumn.
4. We ________ and ________ in winter.
(    ) 1. It is ________ in winter.
A. hot                 B. cold                 C. warm
(    ) 2. It is ________ in autumn.
A. cool and windy     B. warm and windy     C. hot and warm
(    ) 3. The tree is ________ in spring.
A. red                B. black               C. green
(    ) 4. __ ______ do you do in summer? —I ride a bike.
A. How              B. What              C. What’s
(    ) 5. Amy ________ in spring.
A. ride bikes         B. play football        C. flies kites
(    ) 6. We ride bike s _________ spring.
A. in                  B. on                  C. at
(    ) 7. It is raining today, but it’s very
A. warm               B. cold                 C. cool
五、 用合适的单词描述下列图画中所显示的天气
1. autumn      spring      winter       summer
___________→_________ __→ ___________→___________→
2. eleven o’ clock      half past eight      six o’ clock      fourteen o’ clock
3. morning            evening            night            afternoon
4. go to school     go home      have breakfast            have dinner
5. New Year’s Day      Spri ng Festival     Christmas          Tea chers’ Day
___________→______ _____→___________→___________→
(    ) 1. There are five seasons in a year.
(    ) 2. It’s cold in spring.
(    ) 3. Summer is hot and sunny,[
(    ) 4. The snow is small and yellow.
(    ) 5. The trees are green and the flowers(花) are ni ce in spring.
(   ) 6. It’s snowing today. It’s hot.[
(    ) 7. It’s hot in winter and we go swimming.
(    ) 8. In autumn it isn’t cold and it isn’t hot. It’s cool.
                                 It’s warm in spring.
                             It’s hot in summer.
                             It’s cold in winter.
                           It’s cool in autumn.

二、C J H B A E  D. F G I
四、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. A
五、略 六、略
七、1. × 2. × 3. √ 4. × 5. √ 6. × 7. × 8. √
八、略 九、略
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