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五年级下册英语一课一练-unit 6Work quietly 能力训练阅读 人教(PEP)(含答案)

  • 资源类别 试题
    资源子类 一课一练
  • 教材版本 人教PEP版
    所属学科 小学英语
  • 适用年级 五年级
    适用地区 全国通用
  • 文件大小 791 K
    上传用户 goldfisher
  • 更新时间 2019/3/8 8:12:03
    下载统计 今日0 总计13
  • 评论(0) 发表评论 报错(0) 我要报错 收藏
Dear Amy,
How are you? How about the field t rip to the Nature Park? I went to beach with my g randparents, mom and dad. It was great fun.
Look at the pic tures! My grandma and grandpa are wal king on the beach. My mom is lying on th e ground. My dad is swimming. I’m watching s tarfish (海星). There are lots of s eagulls (海鸥) flying over the se a.
There are many people around us. So me children are runn ing and chasin g. Some people are sitting there and talking. Please tell me something ab out your field trip.
                                                                          Best regards,
                                                                           Bai Ling
1. What is Bai Ling doing in the picture s?
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2. What is Bai Ling’s father doing in the pictures?
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3. What is Bai Ling’s mother do ing in the pictures?
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4. What are Bai Ling’s gra n dma an d grandpa doing in the pictures?
________________________ __
1. She’s watching starfish.
 2. He’s swimming.
3. She’s lying on the ground.
4. They’re walking on the beach.
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