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六年级下册英语试题-情景交际专项训练 人教PEP(2014秋) (含答案)

  • 资源类别 试题
    资源子类 专项测试
  • 教材版本 人教PEP版
    所属学科 小学英语
  • 适用年级 六年级
    适用地区 全国通用
  • 文件大小 894 K
    上传用户 goldfisher
  • 更新时间 2019/5/28 18:11:57
    下载统计 今日0 总计24
  • 评论(0) 发表评论 报错(0) 我要报错 收藏
(  )1. 当你的同学把他的兄弟John介绍给你认识时,你对John说:________
A. This is John.
B. Nice to meet you.
C. Thank you, John.
(  )2. 问别人的红铅笔在哪,应该说:________
A. Where is your red pencil?
B. Where is your black pencil?
C. Show me your red pencil.
(  )3. 当你向妈妈描述你的新朋友时,应该说:________
A. He wears glasses and his shoes are blue.
B. He wore glasses and his shoes are blue.
C. What does your friend look like?
(  )4. 当你想知道自己能为晚会做点什么时,应该这样问老师:________
A. What can you do for the party?
B. What can I do for the party?
C. What would you like to do for the party?
(  )5. 你想知道今年旅游的时间,应该说:________
A. It's in October.
B. Where did you have a trip this year?
C. When is the trip this year?
(  )6. 你想告诉老师你很怕猫,应该说:________
A. I'm afraid with cats.
B. I'm afraid of cats.
C. I'm angry with cats
(  )7. 你想告诉朋友你过去篮球打得不好,应该说:________
A. I couldn't play basketball well.
B. I couldn't play basketball good.
C. I can't play basketball well.
(  ) 1. What are you going to do this morning?
(  ) 2. Whose schoolbag is that?
(  ) 3. What did you do last weekend?
(  ) 4. Who is taller than you?
(  ) 5. What are you doing now?

A. I'm writing a letter.      B. I wrote a letter to my pen pal.
C. Lily is taller than me.    D. I'm going to read books.    E. It's Lily's.



  Amy: Hi, Chen Jie. What did you do yesterday?
Chen Jie: 1. ________
   Amy: 2. ________
Chen Jie: Because I am going to visit him.
  Amy: Oh, really? 3. ________
Chen Jie: I am going there this summer holiday.
  Amy: So you will go next week?
Chen Jie: Yes!
  Amy: 4. ________
Chen Jie: I am going to climb Mount Emei with My uncle.
   Amy: That sounds great! 5. ________
Chen Jie: I'm going by train.
  Amy: 6. ________
Chen Jie: Thanks!
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