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三年级上册英语教案Unit 5 Let’s eat!(Lesson 6)人教(PEP)(2014秋)

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  • 更新时间 2019/11/30 11:18:35
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Unit 5 Let’s eat!Lesson 6





小学英语 人教课标版 三年级上册

Unit 5 Let’s eat!

Unit 5 Let’s eat!Lesson 6



2.能力目标:综合运用I’d like some…/Can I have some…?/ Have some…








Step1: Warm-up/ Revision(字母的复习)


1. Chant and say.





2. Start to read.


Chant and say.






Read the chant and review the letters.

1. Chant and say.

 T: Hello, everyone. Nice to see you again.

 Ss: Nice to see you.

 T: Nice to see you, boys and girls.

T: 还记得我们这个单元学习的字母吗?

 T, Ss: o,p,q,r,s,t.

 T: Right! Look, , 在这个视频中,你看到了什么呢?

Ss: I see …

T: Let’s review the chant. 让我们一起来复习一下六个字母的歌谣吧!(Review the letters by reading the chant.)


Step2: Revision(词汇复习)


Read the words.




Missing game.



Read , count and write.


Review the phrases.

1Review the words of Unit Five by missing game.

TWhat can you see in my hand? Angela 的手上你看到了什么?

Ss: bread, fish, egg…

T: What’s missing? 再读一读,看看什么食物从Angela的手上跑走了?

Ss: bread, fish, rice, water, egg, milk, cake   (juice)

Ss: bread, fish, rice, juice, egg, milkcake     (water)

2. Read and say a phrase.

T: 你能说出包含这个单词的动词短语吗? 电视机前的小朋友,也来试一下吧!

Drink some juice. Eat the bread…

3. Read and count.

 T: Please open your book and turn to page 53, let’s read and count. 请把书本翻到53页,我们来读一读,数一数。电视机前的小朋友跟着我们一起来吧!


Step3: Practice and consolidation(单词与动词短语的操练)






















Step4: Consolidation and extension(巩固拓展)

Review the patterns: Can I have some…? I’d like some…

Have some…







Make a dialogue.




Talk about the dialogue together and then try to act it out with partner.








Listen to the story and answer the questions.

1. Review the patterns.

T: Wellboys and girls. You are wonderful. 你们的表现都不错!在第五单元,我们学习了有关食物的单词,想吃一点什么,我们应这样说……

Ss: Can I have some…?

   I’d like some…

T: 请他们吃东西,我们可以说……

Ss: Have some…

T: 这个时候,我们要说Thank you.

Ss: You are welcome.

T: Right!

2. Make a dialogue.

 T: Well, Sarah 邀请朋友们来家做客,这个故事发生在她家。

Sarah: Have some…

John: Thank you.

Mike: Can I have some…

Sarah: Here you are.

Mike: Thank you.

Sarah: You are welcome!

T: OK. Let’s try to say. 我们试着来说一说。(在复习本单元句型的基础上,整合并进行对话的创编)

Ss:…                             T: Good.

2. Story Time

T: Let’s watch a video. 看看Zoom 想吃点什么? Let’s watch.

T: Zoom 想吃点什么呢?

Ss: Rice Coke , fish and ice cream.

T: Good! But where is Zoom’s fish? 但是Zoomfish 跑哪里去了?

Ss: The cat ate it.

T: Oh , 被小猫给吃了, Naughty cat! 淘气的小猫。


小朋友们,我们这个单元的学习要跟你说再见了, See you! 来,boys and girls, say goodbye to your friends.同学们,来和电视机前的小朋友说再见吧。





















学生能够听懂故事, 在故事中复习运用句型,作为本单元的拓展。



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