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  • 资源类别 试题
    资源子类 期末测试
  • 教材版本 外研版
    所属学科 小学英语
  • 适用年级 三年级
    适用地区 全国通用
  • 文件大小 3288 K
    上传用户 b-box
  • 更新时间 2022/12/5 15:06:14
    下载统计 今日0 总计0
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三、根据对话内容, 选择正确的答案。(10分)
Lily: I've got a new toy, Mike.
Mike: Where is your toy?
Lily: It's in my desk.
Mike: Wow! It is nice. I have got new brown trousers.
Lily: Where are they?
Mike: They aren't in the bag.
Lily: They aren't on the bed.
Mike: Oh! Here they are. They are on the chair. Have you got an orange dress?
Lily: No, I haven't. I've got a white dress.
Mike: Is white your favourite colour?
Lily: Yes, it is. What is your favourite colour?
Mike: My favourite colour is green.
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